A Night I Will Never Forget (Or Can't Really Remember?) Nottingham Trent Gradball 2014

 So my last ever 'blowout' at Uni if you want to call it that, was my Graduation Ball. Celebrating the end of three amazing, boozy, fun filled years at Nottingham Trent University.

Choosing an outfit seemed like an impossible mission at first, I spent a whole day in town and went into every shop imaginable and could not seem to find anything remotely suitable. After nearly giving up and deciding to settle for a dress I already had, I came across a cute playsuit in New Look. I know what most people will be thinking.. a playsuit for a ball?! But I gave it some thought and decided who cares, it was me and it looked cute!

Grad Ball was the perfect way to celebrate the end of an era. Sadly and I am absolutely gutted to say I missed Saint Raymond, who if you read my last post- you would have known I was pretty excited to see!

Pre-drinks lasted a little longer than anticipated and the more drinks we consumed the more laid back we were about getting to the venue. I then received a text off one of my friends saying how Saint Raymond had just been on, you can imagine I was pretty upset! But nonetheless I was not going to let this get me down.

Fuse ODG who I have to be honest I wasn't that excited about seeing, was actually pretty decent and really got the crowd going! One of my friends off my course even ended up twerking on stage to 'Azonto' with him, which was sooo brilliant to watch! (See video's below)


DJ Fresh was pretty awesome too and I don't think there was one person who didn't enjoy his set, he killed it. I have a video below of him doing 'Dibby Dibby Sound' it's a bit crackly but still pretty cool.


Of course Annie Mac absolutely smashed it, being my favourite Radio 1 DJ I was in my element and never stopped raving away. Sadly I was enjoying her set too much I only have one short clip of her doing her 'thang'.

After staying at the Capital FM Arena till about 2am we then moved onto our Student's Union where the afterparty lasted until 7am! It was mental, coming out of the SU and thousands of students walking to McDonalds at about 8am getting breakfast was pretty funny. The night was absolutely amazing and one I will never forget!


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